AJ Busta

Hochzeits DJ · registriert vor 6 Jahr(en)
Bregenz Lauterach


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Alexander C. Juritsch is 1 of the most recommended DJs´n`Producers in AT nowadays. Supp´ed by organizations like ID&T, Mixmag or Xiaomi Mi & being played by Crystal Lake, Mark with a K or DJ Genius and played along Headhunterz, DJ Zany or Lady Dana aswell as Chris Cox (Producer of Madonna), Todd Terry (Defected House Icon),. In the year 2000 he initiated the label Austrocore Productions which got world famous as nr. 1 Hard Dance label in Austria and created the community Hardstyle.net that became world known and appreciated in the worldwide Scene. 2013 he started his own label Hardstylosophy From the desk of AJ BUSTA ________________________________________ Entrepreneur/ DJ / Producer Management + Administration UID: ATU73342634 KSV1870-Firmennummer: 7889360 Dipl. Päd. Alexander C. Juritsch Mobil: +43/(0)664/7504 6681 Ammianusstrasse 8, TOP 21 6900 Bregenz AUSTRIA www.instagram.com/hardstylosophy www.instagram.com/aaa.lect www.youtube.com/hardstylosophy www.youtube.com/austrocore www.facebook.com/ajbusta https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderChristianJuritsch https://www.facebook.com/AJBustaHardstylosophy
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