Ramona Ursu

Yoga Lernen · registriert vor 5 Jahr(en)
Wien Innere Stadt


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Engage in challenging, yet balanced Yoga classes that bring into harmony your Mind, Body and Spirit. Ramona offers yoga classes for everyone and everyBODY, creating a loving atmosphere of positive energy, motivation and joy. A combination of breathing techniques, meditation and yoga postures, Ramona’s classes encourage you to take the steps to better your health and wellbeing. Ramona is a Certified Vinyasa Flow Yoga Teacher (RYT-200). For more than 9 years, Ramona has strongly embraced the passion for yoga as it has proved to have improved her health and wellbeing, and brought more peacefulness and focus into her life. Ramona’s insight about yoga is: ‘yoga keeps me centered, it brings me happiness and joy; yoga is a lifestyle that I always want to treasure and share with people around me’.
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