Mehmet Erdas

Karriere Coach · registriert vor 6 Jahr(en)
Wien Penzing


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Mehmet Erdas, studied many disciplines like psychology, philosophy, engineering, marketing, economics, finance , IT,.PhD, is an independent Big Data Analytics BW BI Data Modeling Solutions Architect since 1998. Dr. Erdas is CEO of Ilimdar Ltd. He is working for Swisscom till 11/2015 for BW7.4 on HANA Master Data Management as Freelancer.M Erdas has over 37 years of experience in the IT domain working in Europe. Dr. Erdas has worked with company's eminent firms such as Accenture, Cap Gemini, Oracle, SAP, Shell, BP, Statoil, Aramco, Huawei, Centrica, Siemens, etc. He is a contracting Business Solution Architect for Finance, Energy, Utilities and Telecom Supply Chain across UK, US and Europe. Further, Dr. Erdas advises investors on software and technology risks, core banking software, identify key drivers and product differentiation for market penetration, consumer choices, subscriber profiles, big data analytics, overall PLM evaluation cycle marketing strategy, business value (financing), functionality and technology choice, sustainability, customization, fast implementation, ROI, PLM Software, end to end visualization, cloud ability/mobility solutions and interface systems integration. Additionally, Dr. Erdas helps make real financial, technological market assessment of enterprise software, upgrades, release management, data modeling tools, metadata and repository systems. He also helps analyze the customer engineering software (CAD and PDM), enterprise environment (ERP) and enterprise Architecture. Dr. Erdas has been a certified Business Intelligence Consultant with experience in more than two life cycle projects including requirements definition, business blueprint, data modeling, analysis, implementation, back-end and front-end SAP tools, BEx Analyzer, WAD, reporting, collaboration, portal integration, ESOA, BI Web Services definitions and new application development for ESA EDW. He is a member of DAAD (German Academic Exchange Commission) and IEEE (International Electrical and Electronics Engineers Association). He has expertise on ITOP, ITSM, SAP SEM Banking HANA S4HANA, ORACLE, all IT Platforms, Cloud and Mobility Solutions,UI, Databases, Applications, IT Enterprise Architectures of Telecommunications, Utilities, Oil gas companies, Banks and Financial Services Industries and Retail, Logistics, Supply Chain, Business Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Hadoop, AI, IoT, ML, DL.Robotics and Automation Technologies
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