Marco Ronca
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Kunstuniversität GRAZ Music Education Department - Jazz Piano (AT) Date of Birth: 19/10/1989 Place of Birth: Palermo, Italy Piano, Keyboards and Synths Player / Composer / Arranger / Sound Engineer / Educator EDUCATION 15/08/2018 – 15/04/2019: Sound Engineering – Recording, Mixing, Mastering and Steinberg Certification with an AES sound engineer and a certified Steinberg tutor/trainer Roxy Studio – Steinberg Center and Warner Official Supplier, Palermo (Italy) 5/10/2015 – 29/10/2017: Music Education Bachelor of Arts – Jazz Kunstuniversität, Graz (Austria). 7/10/2013 – 26/10/2015: Master of Arts - Jazz Piano Kunstuniversität Graz (Austria) – “Mediterranea Suite”: Development of a melodic, harmonic and rhythmic process. 2/10/2009 – 23/6/2013: Bachelor of Arts - Jazz Piano Kunstuniversität, Graz (Austria). 3/10/2005 – 23/06/2008: “The Brass Group” School Jazz Piano 6/10/2003 – 30/6/2009: Conservatory of Palermo, IT Classical/Jazz EXPERIENCE From 23/2/2018 on: Online Music Teacher at MusicU Live - Toronto (CDN) From 28/9/2009 on: Musician: Graz (Austria) – Piano & Keyboards Player - Composer - Arranger - Sound Designer - Mixing & Mastering Engineer - Educator. 2017: Performer with the Hangway Big Band, which hosted the young talent Louis Dowdeswell as Lead Trumpet, one of the most requested trumpet player at an international level by a lot of artists of different genres. 2014: Founder of the World-Fusion international project “Pangea Project”, with which he had the opportunity to perform in Austria and Slovenia. Part of an international group of Afro-Cuban music, called “Barrio MIxto”, with which he performed in Austria and Italy, and organized also several Latin music workshops in Graz. 2012: Performer at the club "Le Scimmie" in Milano, as part of the international Cinzia Catania Quintet during the final stages of the European Jazz Contest. 2009: Performer with the jazz orchestra of the Conservatory of Palermo at Villa Celimontana (Rome), in a tribute concert to the great pianist and composer Luca Flores. 2005: First Jazz Festival – big band piano player 14/2/2004 – 27/9/2009: Musician: Palermo (Italy)
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