Igor Ripak

Hochzeitsfotograf · registriert vor 10 Monat(en)
Wien Ottakring


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Gründung / Starttermin

When it comes to life-changing and profoundly meaningful events, few can match the captivating splendor of a love-filled celebration between two individuals, where cherished friends and family unite. It's a day of unparalleled beauty that deserves to be eternally treasured. This is where I step in, seamlessly blending into the surroundings to discreetly document these tender and emotive moments. Let me preserve your special day, capturing its authentic emotions and love in cherished, timeless photographs. Before we embark, remember that you're about to immerse yourself in the intimate moments of people's lives. Honoring and appreciating their choice to openly share these beautiful experiences within wedding photography is crucial.
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