Christoph Maleh

Hochzeitsfotograf · registriert vor 6 Jahr(en)
Linz-Land Leonding


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Gründung / Starttermin

Christoph Maleh is a commercial fashion, beauty and lifestyle Cinematographer and Photographer based in Linz Austria. Christoph Maleh began his career shooting fashion in Europe and quickly caught the eye of top creative, portrait, editorial etc. As he honed his craft, he developed a great love for light. Finding his niche for beauty, clients have often remarked that his lighting style helps him stand firmly above the rest. Having traveled for few countries, working with some of the top fashion agencies, and retail clients in the industry, he continues to push himself to improve his technique and exceed his clients' expectations doing the thing he loves most - sharing beautiful imagery and collaborating with exciting, passionate creatives and clients.
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